Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Buffy’s “borrowed” sweater in Living Conditions

In the season 4 episode 2 “Living Conditions” Buffy’s odd roommate Kathy borrows and destroys this super cute sweater. The adorable embroidered sweater is by the brand Free People and comes in different colors including (of course) blue and black.

Special shout out to Sunnydale.Style on IG for this awesome spot!

Buffy’s floral skirt in Beer Bad

In season 4 episode 5 “Beer Bad”, our girl Buffy can be seen wearing an adorable pink floral skirt by the brand William B. The skirt is adorned with a pink waistline and fringe down at the bottom.

Jenny Calendar’s floral Skirt

Who doesn’t love Jenny Calendar’s witchy fashion vibes? Well, at the end of Season 2 Episode 11 “Ted” Jenny can be seen smootching Giles while wearing a beautiful orange floral skirt by the brand DKNY 🩷